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Offshore support


An offshore support vessel (OSV) is a specialized vessel designed to safely support varied marine operations in an often challenging offshore environment.  Our range of quality OSV’s have varying capabilities and can be customized to suit a particular operating environment or an operators unique preferences.  We ensure that at any given speed and payload the range of new build vessels that we offer are class leading, minimizing an Owners environmental footprint and through life operating costs.


An offshore support vessel (OSV) is a specialised vessel designed to safely support varied marine operations in an often challenging marine environment.  Leveraging our extensive bluewater commercial and defence experience experience, we have worked tirelessly with offshore oil & gas, windfarm and industrial sea-farming operators around the world to develop an innovative range of quality, highly capable, multi-purpose offshore support vessels.


For our designs we have established class leading design criteria which maximises functionality, safely and all weather operability while minimising environmental footprint and through life operating costs.  Throughout the design process we give due consideration to all aspects of operations including:

  • High service/transits speeds

  • High payload

  • Diversified payload (crew, equipment, stores, containers etc)

  • Low hydrodynamic resistance for minimising operating costs and maximising range

  • Docking / integration mechanisms, including heave compensating gangways

  • Station keeping

  • Sea-keeping and minimising sea sickness

  • Ability to operate in shallow waters if necessary and the

  • Ability to berth in austere ports.


We have studied on behalf of industry leading clients MGO, LNG and dual fuel multipurpose OSV solutions.  Importantly our vessels can be offered with dynamic positioning including DP1, DP2 or DP3 if required.

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